Foundation make-up Order Fulfillment Services | Foundation make-up Drop Shipping
Precautions for shipping to Amazon: DHL UPS fedex、 etc. are shipped to Amazon warehouse in the United States. Less than $800 is the time limit for tax exemption. The volume is/5000 air plus tax. The volume is/6000 double package tax. The time limit is 12-15 days. The volume of Meisen Express/6000 double package tax. The time limit is about 25 days. The volume of Shanghai slow ship is/6000 double package tax. The time limit is 30-40 days. The slow ship card is charged in square. The time limit for double package tax is 30-50 days
If the weight of a single piece exceeds 50 pounds、 an overweight label shall be affixed
The cost of air transportation mainly includes freight and miscellaneous charges. The unit price of freight is calculated according to the weight grade. Generally、 there are several grades:
(Goods above 100kg)+300kg、+500kg、+1000kg
Generally、 if there is no corresponding level of freight rate、 the freight of goods is calculated according to the tact price. The billing weight of goods is also important. The weight of goods is divided into volume weight and gross weight in air transportation. When the volume weight is greater than the gross weight、 the volume weight is the billing weight of the goods. When the volume weight is less than the gross weight、 the actual gross weight is the billing weight.
Miscellaneous charges include many aspects、 generally including storage costs、 fuel surcharges、 war risks、 etc
Fuel surcharges and war risks are products under specific circumstances. Generally、 the company's quotation is included in the freight.
International air express delivery costs are calculated in kilograms、 100 yuan per kilogram、 and 1 kilogram or less